Saturday, April 18, 2009

What then How...

Yesterday I took in a thought from a favorite speaker of mine that has wrecked my life ever since.

Basically he said that when leading people, that leaders need to be "what" people instead of "how" people. Meaning that I have a responsibility to help people dream. To ask them "what" makes their hearts beat fast, what big dream is inside of them. To just dream with them in a "what" kind of way. Instead of being a reality check and asking "how?"

I am a "how" guy. My first instinct is "how". Not that it will stop me from trying and going forward with an idea, but I ask "how". I crush dreams ALL the time, not excluding my own!

Don't get me wrong here... I still think "how" is important. I think "how" is necessary. I just want to be more of a "what" guy, who knows when to ask "how".

Wonder where this is going to take me?