Saturday, July 25, 2009

Things to know as a trip leader...

Recently I took 20 high school students and 4 other adult leaders, beside me, on a trip to New York City. It was amazing to see what God did in this group of students, and how he is using this small cross-section of our student body to affect the other 100 or so students.

I've always thought that my job is to facilitate environments where God can show off, but was finally able this last trip to put some basic thoughts to what a "leader" should realize as they lead.

#1... You have to know everything, and nothing at the same time.
Sounds absurd I know, but the paradox is an intricate balance that is necessary. Someone has to know where you're going and what's going on and when it's going on and that person is YOU if you are THE leader of a trip. At the same time you have to be humble enough in your own heart to realize that you don't know everything. You don't know what's happening inside everyone's heart. You don't know that this kid is acting funny because it's his first time away from home, and he needs his blankey, but can't say that... so he's acting like a jerk.

#2... The smallest thing can bond people and nothing can keep them apart.
The thought is basically this. Something as basic as the fart app on your iPhone can create a moment in time where a group of students bond with a leader. So, if we don't take chances with ourselves, put ourselves out there to potentially look foolish... if we do nothing... we can unknowingly assist in keeping them apart.

#3... Be Decisive not a Dictator
Everyone on a trip wants, and needs a leader. There will come a time when there will be decisions that need to be made. Something has changed, or needs to change from the agenda and everyone will look to you to lead. In that moment, be decisive.

There will be other times that everyone needs to be a part of the decision and they don't need you to chime in... don't be a dictator and inflict your will on everyone. The difference is slight, but necessary.

Lastly... remember you're not the leader.
I know it may sound cheesy, but if your trip has a God purpose... let Him lead. Learn the art of over praying and not over planning.

Took 10 years, but I think I can lead a trip now.

Friday, July 17, 2009


So my boys are gone right now... it's still fresh. We dropped them off in Beckley, WV today at 11am with their Grandma Zelda and Grandpa Luigi... (not real names, just the boys names for them).

I know they're in good hands that love them, but I miss them horribly. Angel thinks I'm a little rediculous, but this first night is KILLING ME! I'm so used to playing Nerf Basketball with Zach every night and laughing. We tuck them in, and have a little touch lamp in their room that we act like we blow out. Then as I'm leaving the room and shutting the door I say "See you in the future", but that future is so far away right now that I can't hardly stand it.

Maybe I'm a panz... but I stood in their room, shooting Nerf ball, and crying... missing all the love that has been added to our house by two little boys.

I can't imagine life any other way... all the inconvenience melts away in the overwhelming torrent of the love of my boys.

Our reunion will be GLORIOUS!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Little Pleasures...

I just received a new print out for my phone with all the extensions correct to how I have my desk phone set up... it's not much, but it makes me smile every time I look at it.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


I've never been much of an insomniac, but over the past week I've not slept well AT ALL! Not sure what this is all about. I've never been a night guy, meaning I'm ready to sleep around 10 PM. Now though I can't fall asleep until midnight or later and I'm waking up in the middle of the night and still waking up early.

Not sure what's going on here, but I'm not real keen on it. I feel really foggy this morning and the whole speaking for a living gig doesn't fit well with foggy. You have to have a mind about you to string sentences together in an semblance of understandable thought.

We'll see what happens