Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Distorted God

What a day. To say I've experienced paradoxical day would be an understatement.

This morning I got to be in what has become very fun and relaxing environment for me. So, much so that I'm consistently showing up late... I know that's weird, but part of the paradox. The BRSM staff meeting on Tuesday mornings is so great. It's challenging, it's a bunch of my friends, it's fun at Panera. Plus, this morning we added more love to the potion with Steve Mesanko starting his internship with us. What a great guy, and a great addition to the team.

Then, I went to what is most likely the most harsh environment I've ever been to. Today Jerry Falwell was laid to rest, and his funeral took place. Honestly, I was not a huge Jerryfan, but I have been learning how to respect people with different opinions. I've really struggled with this through the death of Dr. Falwell, because well, let's just say I've struggled. Today however, I met people who made my definition of Christian weirdo's change. Westboro Baptist Church, and Shirley ???, the main voice of WBC and godhatesamerica.com, were protesting Jerry's funeral, and we decided to go and interview them, in an attempt to understand them better. I left with the most bitter feeling all over me, not in me mind you. Bitterness spewed from Shirley's mouth, and left me in a weird state. You'd think then walking away and seeing people protest them would be a cheer up, but I seriously have to ask... what good does that do? I felt so much controversy, and so much compassion for the Falwell family today. They couldn't even bury their father, grandfather, husband... in peace.

Then the paradox ramped up as I returned to Blue Ridge, and it's environment of love. That love looks like a hugely dysfunctional family at times, but what love. No one is ever spiteful, or hateful. Plus, I got to spend about 45 minutes talking to God with people who are praising His every movement. What movement lately too.

Crazy day? I vote "YES".