Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Have you ever heard that eyes are the windows to the soul? I've always been a firm believer of that. Look deep into someones eyes. It's almost like you can see their past and their future slamming together in one amazing transcendent moment... right there in their eyes. Eyes show pain, reveal hopelessness, share joy and release streams of love that we call tears. Enough of my dissertation though... here's my reason.

A few nights ago I looked into the eyes of someone who I had previously seen anger and resentment in their eyes. When we spoke this time though... I saw tenderness. I saw a new future path charted... I saw hope. Which in the circumstance that we were encountering one another, there should not have been hope.

I'm going to stop and look in eyes more... I find amazing things there, but generally am in too much of a hurry to care.