Monday, November 07, 2005

Joy of spreading joy

Early this afternoon we went to a house to help fix the roof. We were told that there was a little damage to the roof, and it wouldn't take us too long to repair. So we headed out with one seasoned roofer, and a slightly experienced framer, and three schmucks to try and fix it. Upon arrival we found that it wasn't a little damage. Water levels had risen to over 7 feet in this particular area, and it had uprooted a very large pine tree which found it's way through the 8-12 pitch roof. For you inexperienced roofers, unlike me...wink wink...that means it was really steep. I thought "There's no way!" "We'll never finish this today, but try we must." I'll shorten the story, but to let you in on it, at one point we had half the roof removed because of broken trusses. That's not good! We measured and cut and hammered and coersed, and others joined us, and as dusk was setting in an awesome feeling came over me as the unsuspecting family drove by to check on their uninhabitale home to find that it was that much closer to being liveable again. After many hugs and exchanges in email and address, and phone numbers, we shoved off. But, in the distance as we drove away, I saw hope for a young family with a 3 year old boy. I saw a family without hope before, who had a glimmer in their eye again. Why? Because people innertly want to be a part of something bigger than themselves, and to jump in behind something big. What if we could do that everyday? Live beyond who we are, and pour ourselves into someone else so much that the joy overflows and on to someone else. Is this a myth? or could it be true? I get so much joy, when I spread the joy.


waiting for aloha said...

wow. great post, especially this... "What if we could do that everyday? Live beyond who we are, and pour ourselves into someone else so much that the joy overflows and on to someone else."

if each of us did that for one person, imagine how changed the world would be