Saturday, November 19, 2005

The Pains of Love

I can't imagine burying one of my children. They are supposed to bury me! Maybe that's supremely selfish, but I did have a 25 year jump on life. Which brings the question it better to have loved and then lost? or to have never loved? In the case of my close friend who has just lost his 3 month old daughter...would he have been better off never knowing her? Or will the 3 months of love last a lifetime? Real love carries with it joy, pain, excitement...confusion. A terrible canundrum of our brains and our hearts.


waiting for aloha said...

that is so sad. i think losing a child is probably the worst thing that can happen to someone. i can not even imagine.
you are right, love is a terrible canundrum, but people need it more than air or water