Friday, November 04, 2005

When the hammer hits the wrong nail

Today I woke up at 5am central time in a tent, on a cot, in the cold. Now most times that would be a HUGE hamper to my day, but today was different. After putting down some sausage and eggs and biscuits, I joined the crew for what would be a labor intensive day. Just to give you some clarity to this, I'm in Mississippi with a crew for Hurricane Katrina Disaster relief. The devastation is still staggering, considering that the hurricane made landfall the end of August and this is the beginning of November. Boats that are miles from water, sitting in graveyards. Waterlines on walls in homes over 6 feet high. People walking around in full HAZMAT suits, just like in E.T. But in the midst of devastation we've found hope. A hope that doesn't come from money, or self-confidence. We've seen Unity, in fact I'm sitting in the middle of unity right now. A little parking lot here that has been turned in to a camping grounds. Tents, cots, campers, and they are serving three squares a day. I've seen charity. Today we put a roof on a house, and the awesome thing, the lady paid us nothing, and won't. She has no insurance, and had no plans of fixing her home, but now she can continue with her life. True love that expects nothing...not only does it excite her, but it makes me feel good knowing that I've shown a love that is bigger than I can actually give. In a thought... AMAZING LOVE! Benevolence is cool, but love is amazing, and knows no boundaries. I'm glad I can show, and act out love.