Saturday, August 15, 2009

Criticism ROCKS!

For the past year I've been the only communicator for High School at Blue Ridge. Some of my friends from college are thinking "duh" right now, but for me that's a stretch. Not where I'm going guys... keep up!

So, during that year-a-thon (mixed a time frame with a marathon) I've learned a lot about communicating to and with a large crowd of people, and believe I've grown as a communicator. It's been SUPER helpful to have someone as frank as Jeremy helping me along with encouragement and helpful criticism.

The latest criticism needed no assistance.

On Thursday at our teaching team meeting we were talking about the recent talks, and the question was asked "How long have they been?" I answered "Well, they've been a little longer than normal, but nothing big." Jeremy responded with "Well, look at the podcast, it will tell you exactly."

I thought nothing of this, as really I believed myself to only have gone over say 10 minutes.

As iTunes loaded we chatted, and I was unafraid of the result. How foolish of me.

I went to podcasts, opened the Fusion podcast to find that the last two talks were over 50 minutes long... GOO! That's horrible! I was shooting for 25-30 minutes and I went WAY over!

So, now I have been sitting here on this Saturday night... CUTTING. REMOVING. SLASHING. This problem must be resolved.

Tomorrow will be a different day... this thing will be concise!

Grateful for criticism!


Jenny said...

Thats....great. except every word spoken is worth so much to me and I know others. But im sure you will make it work.